Resurgent Machinations Prototype v0.0.2 progess - pebble movement sprites

Hi all, CyberPhoenix here,

Haven't made massive amounts of progress due to other things I have to juggle as well as my own lazyness so this is another small sprite related update. As you can see, pebbles sprites are really coming along as I now have the sprites pertaining to movement done. You may have noticed the shading is a bit, all over the place, that is because during the process of making of these sprites, I randomly decided I want to change how I want to do the shading on sprites for this project going forward. Basically I want to go from the pretend light source being at the top left to being directly above/in front, which will hopefully make life a bit easier for me in the long run(basically making it that I don't have to adjust the shading every time I clone and flip sprites in one direction to make another).

anyway, this is it for now, hopefully by the time I remember to actually make one of these posts I will have something much further along.

many thanks for stopping by and having a read,


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